Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Lesson plan for my yoga class

Yoga for overall stretch and strength 
First, let the students know that yoga is for everybody, but everybody is different in body shape, bone structure and it makes all different in yoga. Two people might look the same from outside when they do yoga posture, but they will not feel the same inside because their bone structures are not the same. What is right for some body is might be wrong for someone. So, we need to find our own balance between the comfort and concentration and consist to the posture we do. Before we practice, let at least three hours go by after a main meal, and one hour following a light snack. We need to empty the bladder, and the bowels too if we can. Wear loose fitting clothing. We need to prepare the posture in a room that is well-ventilated and free from extremes of temperature and on a firm level floor covered with several thicknesses of blanket.
For the beginning we need some equipment such as strap, towel, blocks, and wall to help and support our body. It easier when do the posture because people have different point of limitation. We will start with relaxation posture, warm-ups, forward bends, backward bends, spinal twisting, sitting and kneeling, leg limbering, abdominal squeezing and contracting, inverted, and abdominal muscle control. 
This class will take about an hour to complete. The goal of the class is for people who are beginner and willing to start to get in to stretch and get more strength to their body which will refresh and get rid of stiffness.  Let’s start with the stage-by-stage relaxation. It is relaxation sequence to let go tension from feet to scalp and the whole body will rest with its full weight and the mind also will be peace. 
First, lie flat on your back in the Corpse Posture. Then, observe your breathing, without seeking to control it for a few minutes, after that, make two successive deep inhalations and exhalations, swelling out the abdomen on breathing in and drawing it in toward the backbone on breathing out. Relax the abdominal wall fully at the conclusion of the second breath. Next, observe your breathing again. When it becomes quiet, smooth and of even rhythm, directs your attention like a torch beam in sequence over the part of the body. Look for tension in each part and let go from it, so the muscles rest with their full weight.  The sequence is: left foot ; left calf; thigh; front and rear; right foot; right calf; right thigh, front and rear; pelvic; abdomen; lower back; chest; upper back; left hand; left forearm; left upper arm; front and rear; left shoulder; right hand; right forearm; right upper arm; front and rear; right shoulder; throat; neck; jaw; lip; tongue; eyes; brow; scalp. In relaxing the feet and hands, do not forget the toes and fingers, each one of which should be drained of tension and feel limp. Finally, observe your breathing again for a minute or two; then repeat the sequence of letting go with the muscle from feet to scalp. Fifteen to thirty minutes is good average.. Then we will warm-ups and limber-ups to lose our joint to help the postures are more easily attained and warm the muscles, moreover it helps to reduce the risk of pulling a muscle.  
Diver posture improves balance and co-ordination and firm and tones the feet, ankles, legs, abdomen, back, arms, shoulder, neck, and jaw.
Rag doll forward bend relax body and mind, exercises the lungs, and limbers the back and abdomen.
Chimp bounce provide an excellent warm-up and limber-up for the whole body.
Arm rotation improves the flexibility of the shoulder joints, and strengthens and tones the arms, shoulders and upper back
Elbow Tap firms and tones the arms, shoulders, and upper back, and increases flexibility.
Standing shoulder- blander squeeze strengthens, tones and releases tension in the shoulders and upper back.
Half squat strengthens and firms the thighs and limbers the knee joints.
Leg raise in front,Leg raise to side , and Leg raise behind firms and limbers the thighs and hips, strengthens the lower abdomen, the muscle of the lower back and improve posture and balance.

Sitting alternate toes touch stretches the back muscles, and strengthens and tones the legs and abdomen
Sitting walk  firms, limbers, and tones the legs, hips, and lower abdomen
Recumbent stretch improve posture and circulation, tones and limbers many muscles, exercises the lung and thorax, and dissolves stiffness and tension.
Leg raising and spreading apart strengthens, limbers, and tones the legs, hips and abdomen.
Cradle rock provides a spinal massage and quietens the nervous system, which explains why it is said to overcome insomnia. 
Spinal rock massage the spine and abdomen and releases stiffness from the spinal column. It has a beneficial effect on the liver and spleen, aid digestion and elimination, and quietens the nervous system
Alternate leg raising, lying face downwards strengthens the muscles of the lower back, and tones and limbers the spine, hips, and legs.
We will do 15-30 seconds for every pose above with breathe freely. These will takes us about 15 minutes to warm-ups and limber-ups.
After we finish warm-ups, we will follow with forward bends, backward bends, spinal twisting, sitting or Kneeling, leg limbering, abdominal squeezing and contracting, inverted, and abdominal muscle controls.
Forward bend: Padahastasana which brings increasing suppleness. The nervous system is toned, the spine stretched and limbered, the abdominal organs are massaged, the legs firmed and toned, and the hamstrings at the backs of the thighs loosened. The facial tissues and scalp are nourished with and additional supply of blood.
Anchor posture: Yogasana. The shoulders and spine, and legs are limbered and the circulation is stimulated with a nourish flow of blood to the spine, neck, face and scalp. The abdominal pressures and massage aid digestion and correct constipation. The ankles and feet are strengthened.
Cat posture makes the spine more supple, reduces fat on abdomen, tones the nervous system, and improves circulation, aids digestion and correct constipation. It is also prevents menstrual disorders.
Star posture limbers the spine, the hip joints, and the legs, strengthens the legs and lower back improves digestion, corrects constipation, and make childbirth easier. It is contra-indicated in cases of high blood pressure or spinal weakness.
Standing backward bends limbers the spine and strengthens the lower back.
Carmel posture: Ustrasana limbers and strengthens the spine firms the neck, waist abdomen and legs, and benefits the thyroid gland and the reproductive organs. It corrects round shoulders.
Cobra posture: Bhujangasana performed slowly and smoothly exercise the spine, vertebra by vertebra, from the lumbar region to neck, limbering and strengthening it. The front of the body legs, abdomen, chest, throat, jawline are all beneficially stretched
Half spinning twist posture: Ardha-matsyendrasana prevent backache and lumbago, tone the liver and spleen, massages the kidneys, and makes the spine more elastic. It squeezes the abdominal viscera, aids digestion and encourages natural peristaltic action in the intestine.
Tiptoes squatting improve balance and posture, and limbers and strengthens the feet, knees and thighs.
Lotus posture: Padmasana provide a unique feeling of firmness, stability, compactness, balance and poise, promoting qualities of inner poise and self-mastery. The vital energies are gathered and contained. The legs and hips are limbered, and pelvic mobility is increased
Frog posture: Mandukasana. Pelvic mobility and health benefits result from the wider spacing of the knees
Cowface posture: Gomukhasana limbers the shoulders joints, strengthens and tones the muscles of the shoulders, upper back and rear upper arm, and gives a stronger grip. It helps prevent bursitis.
Supine knees spread posture increase the flexibility of the hip joints, limbers the legs, firms and tones the hips and legs and sends blood to the pelvic area. It has therapeutic value in cases of sexual disorders and woman’s pelvic ailment.
Standing knee squeeze posture improves posture, balance, and concentration, limbers the legs and hips and strengthens the spine
Sitting knee squeeze posture: Pavanmuktasana. The abdominal viscera are massaged by the knee squeeze.
Tortoise posture: Kurmasana. The back feels stretched but relaxed. The hamstring at the backs of the legs loses with practice and ceases to protest. There is a stimulated traffic of blood along the spine, nourishing its complex network of nerves. Fresh blood is also brought to the pelvis.
Supine knee squeeze posture: Pavanmuktasana limber the hips and legs, and massages the abdominal wall and visera. It corrects indigestion and constipation.
Quarter headstand posture: Sirsasana. The back and neck are strengthened, and the legs firmed. The brain, scalp, neck, and facial tissues are nourished with blood. The inverted postures are not suitable for person suffering from high blood pressure, heart trouble or ailment of the brain, eyes, nose, ears and neck
Abdominal uplift: Uddiyana. Strengthens the abdominal muscles, removes superfluous fat, provides an internal massages as the abdominal viscera are drawn back and squeezed and improves digestion and elimination from the bowels. Woman should not be performed during menstruation or pregnancy.
We will do about 30 seconds for all the postures above to feel stretch and strength. The more you take the deep breathe, the more stretch you feel.
Lastly, we will conclude with a few minutes of relaxation by using corpse posture or stick posture to release the stress and feel refresh after exercise.

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