Friday, March 30, 2018

Healthy chicken breast soup

My healthy recipe “ chicken breast soup”

All the ingredients are here 
1. Garlics
2. Onions
4. Celery.
5. Coconut oil
6. Broth (any kind you like)
7. Herb (pasley, drill, black pepper)
8. Chicken brrast cut in chunck
9. Salt ( I recommend pink salt)

I have got pork broth

Chop the garlic 

Cut all the vegetables and chicken 

Put Coconut oil in the pot with medium heat

Put galic in to make good smell out of it

Put chicken in and stir fry for little bit

Put onions and  all vegetables. Stir fry for a while.

                                            Pour the broth in to boil all ingredients

                                              Put all the herbs and salt to your taste.

                      Boil the pasta of your choice in separate bowl and you can enjoy your soup with pasta.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Yoga for your best arms ever

Arms strength postures for the beginner
This is 11yoga postures that is super easy to give your arms and wrists  power and strength. You can hold each pose about 5 deep inhalations and exhalations . Repeat all the postures 2-3 times. It will take about 15 minutes to complete.The more you take a deep breath the more you gain. Don’t forget to push yourself. If I can do it you can do it too.
1. Downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
2. Plank pose (dandasana)
3. Four limbed staff pose (chaturanga dandasana)
4. Cobra pose (bhujangsana)
5. Staff pose with left leg up and then right leg up (trianga dandasana)
6. Eight angle pose (ashtanga namaskara)
7. Side plank pose left leg up and then right leg up (vasisthasana)
8. Upward table pose (sahaja purvottanasana)
9. Upward plank pose (purvottanasana)
10.Pendant pose (lolasana)
11.Scale pose (tolasana)

Check it out and don’t forget to try and let me know how you like them

Friday, March 16, 2018

food choices to enchance your metabolic health

Beans and legumes filled with Soluble fiber,  lean proteins and complex carbohydrates been a great for joy when creating your balance meal plan.Beans can ba an easy addition to meals, if you select the canned variety when shopping, choose can beans that are low sodium and be sure to rinse them off before preparing.

  • Black beans
  • Navy beans
  • Garbazo or chickpeas
  • Soybean
  • Kidney beans
  • White beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Lima beans
Whole grain high fiber, like whole grain, can not only help reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Hearth healthy foods like steel cut oats are high in fiber which actually help alow glucose abosorption. Because they are carbohydrates, keep portion size in mind as they will still raise your glucose.

  • Oatmeal, steel cut
  • Whole grain pasta
  • 100% whole grain wheat bread
  • Brown or wild rice (not parboiled or instant)
Lean proteins are indispensable for the growth and maintenance of every cell in body. When eaten as part of a balance meal, they keep your blood sugar level steady while providing the protein your body needs. Some portion such as salmon, also reduce your risk of heart disease by providing Omega-3s. Best prepration tips : baked, broiled, grilled, roasted, or stew.
  • Cat fish
  • Cod
  • Tilapia 
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Egg white
  • Turkey
  • Chicken 
  • Seafood
  • Tofu
Dairy products are great source of protein and naturally contain high-quality carbohydrates. As an added bonus, many of these foods are calcium rich. Be mindful of additions like fruit in yogurt, as they may be full os sugar. Reading labels is very important.

  • Yogurt choose in high protein and low in carbohydrates and sugar. 
  • Choose milk (consider using unsweetened almond or coconut milk)
  • Cotton cheese
  • Sour cream
Incorporate Nut and seeds into your diet. they are low carbohydrate addition to your favorite meal. Nuts contain healthy fat, like monos unsaturated fats, as well ad nutrients like maganesium andOmega-3 fattyacids. Add them to your meal or use them instead ofcrutons on your salad for healthier crunch.

  • Almond
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Walnuts 
  • Flax seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Cashews
  • Brazil nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Pitachios 
Non-strachy vegetables are great source of vitamins , minerals, fiber, and even protein. They do contain some carbohydrates, but not enough to significantly raise your blood sugar. They are integral to a healthy meal plan. Use them to round out your meals. Keep frozen variety on hand, or low sodium/ no sodium canned option for quick additions to your meals, best preparation tips eat raw, steamed, grilled or roasted.

  • Broccoli 
  • Spinish
  • Collard green
  • Mushroom
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Kale
  • Arugula
  • Asparagus 
  • Baby corn 
  • Bean sprouts 

Fruit are high in fiber make a great option to help curb a sweet tooth. Stick with whole fruit, ratherthan juice as the naturally occurring fiber in fruit helps slow your body’s absorption of carbohydrates, fruits can also provide your body with antioxidants and nutrients. Opt for lower glycemic potions like berries and be caution of ripe banana which have high sugar content.

  • Blueberries 
  • Raspberries 
  • Blackberries 
  • Apple
  • Peaches pears
  • Unsweetened frozen fruits 
Getfit 21

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Strawberry jello yogurt pie with berries

Today I will make strawberry jello + yogurt and berry pie. This all ingredients I need, I guess !! For my lovely husband’s birthday

First I made pie crust with grahams honey maid which is 3g fat, 160mg sodium, 1g fiber, 8g sugars, 15g carbohydrate for 8 cracker and I mixed with roasted almonds which is high in protein 6g and 3g fiber and 2tbs coconut oil. Put the ingredient in the blender to ground them. After that put them on any container you prepare. Put crust in refrigerator to firm the crust.

While the crust in the refrigerator,prepare the jello by add 1cup boiling water to gelatin mix and stir until completely dissolved and add 1 cup cold almond milk or cold water, stir well.
After that add about16oz yogurt in the mixer and stir well

After you mixed them well, pour the yogurt jello on the crust and put them in the refrigerator, again for 4 hours until firm.


After I got a pie, I cut into small piece and eat with berries. It is delicious and healthy.
Source of protein, probiotics and fiber.

Thank you and hope you guys enjoy this recipe.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Eight angle pose or astravakrasana

This pose is look awesome for beginners. It doesn’t need alots of flexibility. You guys can try.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Head stand

Crane pose or Bakasana

Squat down. Put your palms on the floor and straighten your legs. Press you knees against your shoulder bone closer to your armpits. Move your weight toward your arms and try to lift your feet off the floor. Balance on your hands. #bakasana #cranepose #yoga #obx #armstrength

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Yoga day 2

Yoga day 2 simple and easy 9 posture
This is so easy to follow and practice at your own space.
1. Mountain pose and backward bend help stretch your torso and exercise you spine.
2.half moon pose helps the stretch your waist line, slim your waist.
3. Forward bend helps stretch you spine also your legs.
4. Star pose helps open your hip and tone inner thighs
5. Table pose helps strength your arm and tone your legs.
6. Upward plank pose helps strength your arm and tone your legs and bottoms.
7. Hero pose helps stretch you legs and your torso when you lie back.
8. Side plank pose help strength you arms.
9.dancing shiva pose help twist and exercise your spine, blood flow to the spine.
Repeat this 3 times
Thank you for watching