When I Frist read the book about abdominal uplift, I feel like “ how people can do this. This is impossible.” But I tried it anyway. I don’t know know how many times I had tried. Finally I got it.
It is not so good, but still happen. I feel challenged and more confident. If you think about trying, let make action.
First, breath in and feel your lungs are full with air.
Second, slowly breath out from your mouths, while slowly round your back and rest your hands on the knees.
Third, feel your lungs are empty,but some air still there. This is ok and normal. Try to suck your stomach up.( feel like you want to vomit or burp) when you are able to do it hold it for 5 seconds.
perform this on an empty stomcch, and after emptying the bladder. As breathing has been locked the control should notbe held longer than five seconds at frist, increasing gradually to ten second. Uddiyana strengthens the abdominal muscles, removes superfluous fat, provide an internal massage as the abdominal viscera are drawn back and squeezed, and improve digestion and elimination from bowels. The raised diaphragm is said to massage and tone the muscles of the heart. It has been found to correct menstrual irregularities, but should not performed during menstruation or pregnancy.
Thank you hope it helps.